What is something you want to accomplish before you die?

We talk a lot about writing and reading on this blog. We talk a lot about our fears and our successes, our hopes and our dreams… but in general, they are all related to reading and writing.

So, I want to mix things up a bit. I want to know what you want to achieve before you die? I want to know something completely unrelated to reading, writing or anything even remotely related to those two things. What are your other passions? What is something that you’ve always wanted to do?

For me, I suppose the number one thing would be to have kids. I’m twenty-seven and nowhere near ready to have them yet, but it is definitely something I want to do in the future.

My other big thing would be to continue to see the world. I’ve traveled a lot over the past few years and have seen most of Europe, Great Britain and some of Asia. But there are so many other big destinations I’d like to see – USA, The Northern Lights, India, Japan, Iceland, Egypt, and most importantly, Harry Potter World! … the list goes on.

What do you want to accomplish before you die?

About Jodie @ Words Read & Written

Book blogger & aspiring author.
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49 Responses to What is something you want to accomplish before you die?

  1. anujas19 says:

    Hi there!
    Great post and good questions. Hmm I would probably say something similar to what you have. I’ve seen certain places like Spain, Australia, India, and Singapore (I’m from the U.S. by the way), but I would love to see more of Europe and visit South America. In addition, I think I would love to help people along the way in any way possible, big or small, and also make everlasting friendships.


  2. Get a body of work published. Tangible books that I can hold with my words on paper. An audience for it and a life built around it.


  3. blondeusk says:

    To earn enough money so that I can buy my daughter a horse!


  4. Marigold says:

    Completely unrelated to writing or reading? Wow, I just realised how much telling, making up and reading stories is tied to my bucket list. I guess I would like to live a long time, just to see what happens next in the world 🙂 everything’s changing all the time and there’s no predicting what it’s going to be like in, say, fifty years. So at the top of my bucket list is… I want to be really, really old.


  5. daydreamer254 says:

    One thing I want to accomplish before I die is to go to Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. 🙂


  6. almostvvriter says:

    To live an honest and graceful life, and to tread lightly on the earth. Living passionately and creatively is important, too. And, boy, I hope to god I produce something worthwhile in my meager years spent on this floating rock. To die knowing that I have achieved that (and hopefully other worthwhile works, whether it be art, dance or writing) means that I will die a happy woman. And that’s the best way to go.

    A wish of mine that isn’t writing-related? To travel the world. Backpacking around Europe would be pretty cool. Hmm. Also, defeating the Halo trilogy series on legendary difficulty, to confirm that yes- I am in fact, a freakin’ legend.


  7. Nyx says:

    Hard not to pick one unrelated to any of those! If I had to chose though it would be to get a college degree. Started, took a break which is lasting longer then I meant it to. So I want to go back and finish. It would feel like a huge victory and with any luck financial stability. Plus I could travel with it, which is a bonus.


  8. I’d love ride a mountain bike in Iceland. I have no idea why, but I think there’s something waiting for me there.


  9. Use a sword to battle a fire breathing robot… and win this time…


  10. chloemayward says:

    Mine will always be to sit amongst wild Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Orangutans. There is something so majestic about them, so to be able to watch them in their natural habitat would be the best experience of my life!


  11. jclfaltot says:

    Be a father. A good father, that is.


  12. Paul J Gies says:

    I could die happy right now if I were sure my family would be okay.


  13. Swim with wild dolphins!


  14. laurenlola says:

    I have a similar goal. I want to do some more traveling too, both in the US and abroad. There are many places that I haven’t been to yet and want to see, and I hope to accomplish that someday.


  15. athling2001 says:

    The two big things that have always been on my bucket list are: 1) living in England for at least 2 years; and 2) renting a beach house for the summer. Here’s hoping!


  16. cathyjing99 says:

    I just want to pursue a career that *I* like–not something that my parents threw at me. “Be a doctor!” “An accountant!” “Be an engineer.” UGH.


  17. To see Toto play live. Which makes me totally middle-aged and uncool, I hear, but will also make me a very happy man tomorrow night, when I finally check that particular box on my bucket after 30+ years of being a fan.


  18. Shelby says:

    “most importantly, Harry Potter World!” Hahah, that made my day 🙂
    I would say travel to New Zealand and skydive. But mostly I want to live each day without regrets.


  19. maggiedot says:

    Travel, definitely. I’d love to go to China, Japan, Hong Kong, Argentina, Brazil, Iceland, England, Spain… The list goes on and on. 🙂 And I’d like to bring my son along so *he* can experience a world beyond his own back yard, too!

    And I’m still interested in learning about canine search-and-rescue, so maybe to get into that a bit later in life when I’ve got the time freedom. 🙂


  20. I so admire all the responses. I am glad we are all different – yet the same. I hope I live to see the day everyone loves each other and there are no more wars and violence.


  21. I’d like to sit down and truly appreciate life and what the world has to offer. Once I have that opportunity, then share it with friends and family. That would definitely be a big wish of mines.


  22. rebeccalakey says:

    To be rich enough that seeing the world is even doable for me plus own a house and just be loved overall. Also to find a way up the world’s hills. Traveling is not kind to disability for sure.


  23. suzanne says:

    Be a mama! Remodel a house. Live by the ocean.


  24. qwietpleez says:

    To simply overcome the irrational fears that so often plague me. Driving on the highway, traveling to a faraway land . . . Things some may take for granted.


  25. embrystical says:

    To become a good music teacher, and build a minecraft representation of my fantasy universe on a server.


  26. davemstrom says:

    Bring my superheroine and her superfriends to life! (Okay, I cheated, that is about writing, I couldn’t help myself, please forgive me.)
    Own my own place. A small one would be fine.
    Be on the other side of a small press table at a comic con and try to sell stuff. (Oops, I’m cheating again.)
    Boogie-board and watch ocean sunsets in Hawaii.
    And GET BACK TO THE SAN DIEGO COMIC CON! (I’ve missed it two years in a row!)


  27. sklase says:

    Travel to another country would be a big dream of mine.


  28. Honestly? Have a crazy sexual adventure and then write…

    No, just joking. I wouldn’t write about it.


  29. jeezusgut says:

    Spend a day in a cabin with a questionable amount of alcohol next to the person I love contemplating the years we’ve spent together laughing at the moments (both good and bad) we’ve shared. A bit mundane, but something worth pursuing in my mind.


  30. To die with no regrets, no grudges, no bad feelings. I could drop dead by the end of this comment. So far, so good.


  31. tamellu says:

    Experience just one more panic disorder remission episode in my life, no matter how short it should be. Wake up again even just one more time in a panic free world. Sit on a a plane and go somewhere. See any seaside once again, walk along the streets of Rome completely carefree, eating the world’s best ice cream. Then I could peacefully drop dead without much regret, providing that this should be after the end of my mission of being there in every possible sense till the end of their days for those 4 beings I truly love and who love me, my parents and my dogs.


  32. lawz500 says:

    I want to live abroad. I have this feeling that if I just cut ties here and moved somewhere I would discover something new about myself. I used to dream about moving to Hawaii – beaches and a relaxed take in life. I’m very close with my sisters and brother though so the thought of moving so far away from them makes my chest feel tight.
    I’d also like to be a mother with kids for my own. I pray that that will happen one day.


  33. Jarrod C says:

    I guess my dream is just to be happy and fill fulfilled. I am starting to get it figured out but it has been a long road to really determine who I am and what I want out of life. I’m learning a lot of the things that I once wanted and thought were important, actually weren’t.


  34. Compose my own blockbuster Musical Album.


  35. julitownsend says:

    I’ve fulfilled so many of my life’s desires, that it would be easy to say there’s nothing else left, but thankfully. I can always find more things I want to achieve. One that I’ve been too frightened to do is to take singing lessons and be able to feel comfortable singing in public. It’s creeping further and further up the list. 🙂


  36. The Shapeless Truth says:

    Er, does getting hitched before I hit fifty count? Unless he looks anything like Robert Downey Jr, you know, men and maturing wine or something 🙂
    In all seriousness, it would be to get a book published. I know, sorry, I had to put that one down.. it’s kinda the top of my list.


  37. 80smetalman says:

    Two things that seem fairly unimportant to most people but are things I have not much excuse for not doing. One is the fact that I’ve been living in Europe for 28 years and never have been to Paris to visit Jim Morrison’s grave. The second might seem quite shameful for an American male. I’ve never been to watch an NFL game live.


  38. vscot848 says:

    First off – you should add Canada to your MUST visit list (not like I’m biased or anything). As for things that I’d like to do… I’m actually in the midst of writing my 30 things to do before turning 30 list. Cliche, I know, but I think there’s value in it. Weirdly, one of the things I keep coming back to is a strong urge to take a solo vacation. No friends, no family, no husband, just me for a long weekend or a week.


    • jodiellewellyn says:

      Don’t worry, Canada and Alaska are definitely on the list! Half the world is on the list, haha.

      I’ve traveled alone before. It’s amazing, you really need to do it. Just to get up in the morning and do whatever you want, whenever you want on your own schedule. It’s a great feeling.


  39. Crystal Barnes says:

    There is so many things I would like to accomplish but one thing as of now is publish my 4 stories (2 I am working on right now). I would also like to travel and find some lifelong friends!


  40. Reblogged this on Under the Elephant Tree and commented:
    Great post Jodie. This is very topical for me at the moment as I am having a major life overhaul due to illness and reassessing my priorities. I have just started a Gratitude journal where every day I have to write 3 things I was grateful for that day. It’s actually very easy once you get started. Also, I have done a reverse bucket list – a list of fabulous things that I have done. This is great to look at when you are feeling a bit down or stagnant. Goals are and dreams are incredibly important for the soul – even silly ones like ‘to marry Johnny Depp’ are fun to have on the list – even just for a giggle.


  41. cricketmuse says:

    I used to have loud ambitions: famous author, see the world, retire comfortably. Now I have quiet ambitions: teach so I will make a difference, be there for my family, make at least one person smile on a daily basis.


  42. I would love to visit the castles of Ireland, to see Anne McCaffrey’s home, and to sit down and talk about dragons and firelizards with her son, Todd. Oh, and to see if I can find a leprechaun or two.


  43. shananf says:

    This is something I contemplate a lot so thank you for writing this! My biggest goal in life is to be happy. I know that seems like an odd goal but I simply hope to enjoy my life and surround myself with people and moments that will make me happy. I haven’t quite figured out exactly how to get to that point but I’m working on it!


  44. solarisone89 says:

    This is a very loaded question for me. I’d have the thing I most want to accomplish before I die is being *suitable* to have a family of my own. Right now, I know I’m too self-absorbed (read selfish AND Aspie), Bipolar, and not-established (as far as being off on my own and having an occupation that could support a family.) Something so incredibly simple for many people seems, much of the time, to be permanently unattainable for me. Keeping up the motivation to better myself is rather difficult at times.



  45. Great post! Traveling is also way up there on my list. I want to do all 7 continents before I turn 30. I have 5 years to make it to the remaining 4 that I have yet to visit. Next up is either Africa – I really want to do a Safari in Tanzania and trek to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda, or your homeland to visit a few friends I’ve met on my travels. Love that Harry Potter World is on your list, a few friends just got back from there and loved it!


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