Shameless Tumblr Promotion

Do you guys use Tumblr?

I love Tumblr. I’ve used it on and off over the years, but I’m just starting to build a large enough network that my Dashboard has some really interesting posts all over it!

So, this is a shameless Tumblr post!! Not unlike my Shameless Self Promotion posts. Share your Tumblr links, favourite images, anything and everything related to Tumblr. Friend each other, discover new interests, all that jazz!

This is my Tumblr:

Come over and say hey. I need some new Tumblr friends in my life 🙂

About Jodie @ Words Read & Written

Book blogger & aspiring author.
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21 Responses to Shameless Tumblr Promotion

  1. I used to. There’s a lot of “follow me and I’ll follow you” bollocks going on there, though. Not very writer friendly, in my honest opinion.


  2. newyorkinsomniac says:

    Mine is I actually haven’t used it as much as I used to. I felt like it kind of encourages being an introvert but at the same time it can be really beneficial if you use it for the right reasons. Do you have any advice on how you got yours started? Did you just gear it towards your interests and follow similar people and it all happened from there?


    • jodiellewellyn says:

      Yeah. I link all my blog posts to Tumblr and then spend a lot of time cruising my dashboard. If I like something, then I’ll follow the original poster. I have a lot of writers and readers on my dash.


  3. Pam Huggins says:

    I’ve given you a follow. Here’s mine:
    I think I have three followers currently on Tumblr. Wah wah wah!
    Best of luck with your Tumblr account!


  4. suzanne says:

    Yay Tumblr! I love hanging out over there. My dashboard is so fun.


  5. It took me a while before joining Tumblr but I’ve loved my time there since there. I just followed you. You can find me there:


  6. I adore Tumblr so much I’ve made two 🙂 (photos, my mini-journal, and quotes) and (more quotes and bookish things). Thanks for this post, excited for new people to follow!


  7. Jon Chaisson says:

    Tumblr is pretty much my depository for my photography, although many of my WordPress links pop up there too.
    As for my dashboard feed, I follow a lot of artists and a few photographers, so it’s always inspiring to read up on what people have to share creatively.
    [I will admit to maybe doing a bit of active searching for Naruto-themed posts, and will also admit to one ‘shipping’ post for said anime as well. :p ]


  8. Bookgirl says:

    Your Tumblr looks great. I have no idea how to use it though – secret, I’m a Luddite disguised as a tech savvy genius.


  9. lordgodmose says:

    I have tumbler I don’t use it a lot, I haven’t found much use. my username is lordgodmose if you want to add. I wouldn’t mind more friends on it.


  10. dustomundo says:

    Thank you for the invite, Jodie, I’d love to check out your page, but I’m not on Tumblr.. sorry..:(


  11. thezwrites says: is mine ❤


  12. lisarey1990 says:

    I’ve nominated you for the ‘One Lovely Blog Award.’ Love your blog. You don’t have to accept the nomination if you don’t wish to but just showing my appreciation of a blog I like. Here is the link:

    The ‘One Lovely Blog Award.


  13. I use it! It’s more a double up of my blog however (in terms of words that is) with the occasional photography or two. Just musings that inspire my mood at the time, or something beautiful that matches the context of my post etc. It’s a great little creative hub though. Will totally look you up.


  14. milanimo says:

    Yay! Do you connect your WordPress account to your Tumblr? I’ve been wondering if anyone would pay attention to those posts if I did alert my followers. My blog is


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