Twenty Things About Me…

As my first “official” post here at my new domain, I decided to take part in the Twenty Things About Me meme. So here goes:

danger memes ahead

How tall are you?
I’m about 5’6. Maybe even 5’6 and a half if you want to get technical about it.

Do you have a hidden talent and if so, what?
A hidden talent…  I’m really good at getting jobs. If I get an interview, then I’ll likely get the position. I think that’s because I make a really good confident/bubbly/passionate first impression. Which I suppose isn’t that hidden because it’s my personality… *gives up on this question*

What is your biggest blog-related pet peeve?
I always immediately exit blogs that have MASSIVE text and MASSIVE headers. They must have larger screens than I do. I like blogs that are narrow and compact.

What is your biggest non-blog-related pet peeve?
People who make decisions about things without experiencing it for themselves. Especially in regards to travel. People will be like, oh such-and-such went there and didn’t like it, so I’m not going. I’m always like, that doesn’t mean you won’t like it.

What’s your favorite song?
I’m really loving Feeding Line by Boy and Bear. It has been my favourite song for a while.

What’s your favorite Etsy shop?
Wow… I haven’t bought anything from Etsy in ages. I went on the other day looking for baby shower stuff for my cousin, but ended up creating my own designs. I think a lot of stuff on Etsy is really over priced.

What’s your favorite way to spend your free time when you’re alone?
Reading. Blogging. Cruising my dashboard on Tumblr. Spending time with friends, family and my boyfriend. Catching up on my TV shows. If the weather is nice, heading to the beach.

What’s your favorite junk food?
Red Bull and chocolate. They’re my big vices. I love a can of Red Bull.

Do you have a pet or pets?
I have a Maltese shiatsu named Charlie. I love him 🙂 The photo below is him when he was a puppy, but he’s 8 now! I also have a “couple’s pet” with my boyfriend, a Princess Parrot named Khaleesi.
Maltese shiatsu princess parrot

What are your number one favorite non-fiction and fiction books?
Fiction – Harry Potter. I love that book series more than any other. Love, love, love. As for non-fiction… I’m not a big non-fiction reader. The closest I come is biographies.

What’s your favorite beauty product?
I use the Ultraceuticals range. Love.

When were you last embarrassed and what happened?
In all honesty… I don’t get embarrassed much. I figure I’m 27… the time for embarrassment is over 🙂

If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Red Bull! Obviously.

What’s your favorite movie?
I’m a big fan of Inception. I thought that movie was brilliant.
inception gif

What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist prep etc?
I don’t think my school had those sort of stereotypes. Australia is a little different in our stereotypes in general though because we don’t play inter-school sport, or have proms, so the majority of those “types” are already cut. Our types were more so the “brains” or “deros”. I wasn’t really either. I did a lot of dance, so I guess I was in the performance/arts crew.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I’ve traveled a lot, and I’m really happy to call myself an Australian. I think we’ve got it damn good here. But if I had to move, I’d probably jump across the pond to New Zealand.

PC or Mac?
Mac. All the way. I bought my first MAC laptop back in 2009 and I’d never go back. I use a PC at work, but at home, I’m a MAC fan.

Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boyfriend/girlfriend?
I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 2.5 years. He brings me flowers from time to time. Probably my favourite gesture from him was heating up my heat pack and putting it on my back when I fell down the stairs and hurt my tail bone 🙂 It’s the little things sometimes.

Favorite celeb?
As a general rule, I have a lady-crush on Megan Fox and Scarlet Johansson.

Which blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?
I’m a bit of a fan of Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner

This was fun. Feel free to link to your own answers in the comments!

About Jodie @ Words Read & Written

Book blogger & aspiring author.
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13 Responses to Twenty Things About Me…

  1. Nikki says:

    So I stumbled upon your blog when you liked one my posts. I did a little bit of snooping around on your website, and girl- you are everything I aspire to be. (:


  2. Anthony says:

    Congratulations on making the jump to the big time. I appreciated learning a little bit about you. I think it was a good first post on your new page.
    I am glad I subscribed to you (under the today’s perfect moment banner–I didn’t put that in the website box because I haven’t written that one in quite a number of weeks.)
    Keep writing and I will keep reading.


  3. Jarrod C says:

    Site looks good Jodie!


  4. Laurie says:

    Jodie, this is a really nice site! Where is the Like button? You are such a force of nature 🙂


  5. Widdershins says:

    Excellent list! … Inception blew my mind.


  6. Shari says:

    Loved learning these little things about you. I am more of an old movie fan, though I do like some new movies that are more YA. My favorite movies, though, are anything with Cary Grant in them. By the way, I love your puppy.


  7. Inception totally is a great movie! I’ve watched it like quite a few times (and I hardly ever rewatch movies. xD) I love Arthur!! *ahem* You’re a lot taller than me. 😉 I’m only 5’1…so I’m always the midget in the crowd everyone assumes is like 15. My parents keep telling me I’ll enjoy that when I’m older but right now it’s so frustrating being mistaken for being a school kid when I’ve been graduated for like 4 years! lol Etsy can be totally overpriced eh. 😐 It’s annoying.
    Congrats on your new site! I love your design. It’s very sleek and lovely. 😉


  8. Pamela says:

    This post of yours is quite interesting! You seem to enjoy your life very much and embrace the details, like myself. Your blog will always remain as one of my favorites and never cease to amaze me. 😉 Nice job!


  9. Jordan T says:

    This is such a beautiful blog! And such an excellent, engaging first post to welcome in a new style. I’m in the process of creating a new site too and have been worrying (probably unnecessarily, haha) about what my first post should be. Thanks for giving me a great example! Good luck with the switch. =)


  10. Liza says:

    Man. Unfortunately my blog has big headers and type. The free themes on WordPress drive me crazy. And especially because it looks so small when you’re typing into the drafts that I have to zoom in then when I publish it, it looks huge. Ugh. haha.


  11. Heather says:

    I loved reading this. Harry Potter all the way!! That is also my biggest pet-peeve. People who make assumptions. Don’t even get me started 😉


  12. Jamie says:

    GIRL I am flattered! And I’m so happy to have found your blog now! 🙂


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