The Dream That Keeps Me Going.

Sometimes I wonder what in the world I’m trying to do here… I blog every second day (pretty religiously) and have been writing every single day since the year began. I’ve penned two novels this year and am starting a third. On a whole, my motivation levels have been excellent. But every now and then I stop and wonder what in the world I’m doing?

Finding an agent, being traditionally published, selling enough novels to be able to make it a full-time career… that is a huge dream, but it’s what I strive towards. It’s what keeps me going. The idea of writing a novel that I’m proud of and creating something special out of nothing… that keeps me going. The possibility that this passion can convert into work… that keeps me going.

So I keep writing. I keep improving, because it’s what I love and what I want to do. And hey, my momentum is so good at the moment that I figure it has got to land me an agent eventually, right? 🙂 It might not be this novel, or the next, or even the next. But eventually I’ll stumble upon the magic formula. And that’s what keeps me going.

What keeps you going? What keeps you writing?

About Jodie @ Words Read & Written

Book blogger & aspiring author.
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58 Responses to The Dream That Keeps Me Going.

  1. srha1987 says:

    I often wonder the same thing, but we can never give up our passion! Putting words together to mean something and connecting with other people who feel and think the same keeps me going. I love your writing. Don’t ever stop! We’ll both find an agent one day, when the time is right, but until then we’ll keep on writing, 🙂


  2. Joseph Nebus says:

    Well, for me, because it’s fun writing, and I do entertain hopes of it leading to something greater. Fame and fortune would be nice, but, being a corner of the Internet held in some esteem seems attainable.


  3. G.L. Jackson says:

    Some days, the thing that keeps me going is people like you.


  4. bkpyett says:

    Jodie, I think you’re doing a fantastic job to be on your third book this year, that’s wonderful!
    It’s hard working alone. Just know that once your books become known it will make everything right. We need the dark to appreciate the light! I keep writing because I’m older and if I don’t, it just won’t happen, and I want it to!


  5. I write because it makes me happy? I’m not really sure XD I started writing fanfiction because I was obsessed with a certain character. And I continue to write because I enjoy it. When I started to write I had fallen in a deep pit of despair, and I couldn’t climb out. But writing was an impetus to keep trying. Yep, guess that’s about it XD


  6. lleisa says:

    In the darkness there is rain,
    In the emptiness there is the storm.
    The shimmers of light that is adventure,
    deliver the insight to keep me warm.
    -Writing for some isn’t a means to and ends it’s just what we do !


  7. fireflyin says:

    My motivations? My family, validating their faith in me. And myself, achieving the freedom to do what I love doing.


  8. writingsprint says:

    Do it because you love it! Nothing else matters. That’s what keeps me going. The love of words, stories, and other people’s stories are what inspire me.


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