Making the time to write…

As most of you know, I’m pretty dedicated to writing 1,000 words a day. I’m also committed to updating this blog every second day. It’s the routine that I’m in and I love routines. I’m very goal orientated and it’s a way for me to get things done.

Working part-time (as I had been), making the time to write was very easy. Working full-time… I’m still getting my writing done but I definitely have to shuffle things to make it work. I almost entitled this post “finding the time to write” but time can’t always be found. It has to be made. For example, I’m literally writing this before work… I got up at 6.30am, took my dog for a walk, jumped in the shower and I’m writing this while eating breakfast.

Time made!

How do you make time to write? Do you write in odd places, like your lunch break or on the train? Or do you write at night when everyone else is asleep? Feel free to pass on tips to anyone who is struggling.

About Jodie @ Words Read & Written

Book blogger & aspiring author.
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74 Responses to Making the time to write…

  1. bkpyett says:

    Bravo Jodie, I admire your discipline! I do hope you manage to keep it up. You deserve to succeed! :-). 🙂


  2. flightdoc says:

    That is the question I get most often from others. I began writing as I worked full time and still do. I actually have more time at the end of the day, but after dealing with a full day of work and all that comes along I don’t have the focus to write. I get up at 5 – 5:30 to try to get thirty minutes of writing. It works some days, others not. Today this will be the extent of writing because I need to shower, eat, and get to the hospital before going to the office.


  3. sjoycarlson says:

    Living in Singapore without a car, I’ve been writing and blogging on the train and the bus when there are seats available. I get some strange looks sometimes but I don’t care haha. I like to make the most of my time 🙂


  4. How strange to read this when I’ve literally just blogged about writing couped up in my car at the sunrise before College! I used to get up a few hours earlier than normal, it was tiring but I adored it, especially the quietness of watching the world slowly come to life.
    Write when you can get the chance, apparently EL James wrote her 50 shades o her Blackberry whilst traveling to work on the train – look where she is now, even if they aren’t to everyone’s taste! Not that I’m encouraging you to write erotic literature on public transport – just scribe when you can 😉 good luck! x


  5. alexanderlound says:

    I’m full-time at uni and for me writing is quite relaxing, so I do the majority of it in evenings to chill out. Also, sometimes I use it as a ‘productive distraction’ 😛

    I do most of my writing in the holidays though! I tend to have a clearer head.

    Overall, I think the best way is to find a time when you feel you’re most productive and try your absolute hardest to make time then 🙂

    Cheers for reading my poem!


  6. Dustin says:

    Great blog post, as always, Jodie!!

    I feel as if said advice/tips was exactly what I needed to motivate me. Thank you! Anyway, my main issue isn’t really a lack of time, I simply need to sit down and make writing a daily priority. But then, of course, I also need to juggle everything in my life.


  7. writesalonew says:

    Like Emily Dickinson I carry about scraps of paper or a small notepad and pen or pencil in my pocket/purse, so I can write anytime/anywhere there is a chance or more importantly something inspires me. These little jottings often lay the groundwork for bigger things, but like everyone else it’s a mad shuffle for me to fit in writing and some days I manage better than others. I realize it would be better if I didn’t write everything down long hand first, but I can’t miss that step. I’m more connected to what I’m creating if I use pen and paper in the early stages. Sorry my advice isn’t better.


    • Dustin says:

      Hehe, I love the Emily Dickinson reference! I tend to jot little details and/or potential ideas down all the time, and often utilize my phone’s Notepad whenever a pen and paper aren’t readily available. And I totally relate regarding long hand: I can’t NOT write long hand!


  8. hannahgivens says:

    I’ve been getting up early to write in the mornings, but it is a constant debate with myself. I would rather write at night, but there are a lot more distractions then and it’s often the only time some family members are home and awake, so I try to write in the mornings. It is problematic that I have to get up and go to work or school at specific times, though, so it’s hard to plan… sometimes an intense scene will take longer than my allotted time and I end up writing it in fits and starts over several days, and that’s not ideal. Suggestions for how to work around the planning issue are appreciated!


  9. writingsprint says:

    It’s not easy. I try to think about writing during the day so that I have a plan or at least some ideas to write later and I’m not walking in cold. I have a bunch of web sites and idea books to help me come up with topics. It still takes a while but at least there’s something giving me a leg up. My wife and I are both bloggers so we both set aside time to write during the night. That shared commitment makes it a lot easier. When she’s out of town, I write right after dinner so that it gets done before I get distracted watching TV.

    1,000 words is a lot. I have a hard time with 400. Many, many props to you!


  10. rolltidejen says:

    I get sidetracked easily, but always by something else that calls to be written. I was writing at least 500 words per day on my novel, but had to put it down when a poetry series cried out to me … lol.


  11. Bella Blog says:

    When everyone is asleep I write and at work I not down ideas.


  12. Heather M. says:

    Hi! I nominated you for the inspiring blogger award!

    Inspiring Blogger Award?


  13. I do well if I stick to my routine. If I write at my desk and start first thing in the morning or at night after everyone is in bed. It’s when I deviate from that and take my computer to another room or try writing during the middle of the day that I am less productive. I also meet with local writers at a coffee shop once a week and that has been really helpful.


  14. I try to write when kids are napping or after everyone has gone to bed if my mind is alert enough to do so. I wish I could crank out a thousand words a day, but I’m generally happy with a couple thousand per week. Hopefully, other obligations will ease up this summer and I’ll find more time to write.


  15. honeybadgersbookclub says:

    If I want to write in the evening, the best way for me is to start immediately after coming home from work, otherwise I get bogged down with making food, doing laundry etc. I keep snacks by my desk to tide me over for an hour or so. Of course this may not work if you are a foodie and like to take time over making dinner.


  16. It is ALL about making the time! I am a nighttime blogger because I get up at 5am to get my workout in before work. Like you, I enjoy writing so making the time for this is easier than for some other things (like dishes, laundry, etc!).


  17. This is something that I’ve been struggling with A LOT lately. I work a full-time job, house hunting, running errands, and preparing for the arrival of my first child in a few months. Obviously, I’m sacrificing writing time, and I hate it. I’ve realized that I could sacrifice quality time with my wife to get some writing done, but I don’t find that particular re-allocation of time worth it. I’ll probably have to start sacrificing sleep for productivity.


  18. tlehmann says:

    I get up at 5:30 and do my writing before work. I find in the evening, it is much harder to get writing done, so I do research or less creative work in the evenings.


  19. fireflyin says:

    I write late at night when I should be sleeping. Sometimes I can write during the day, but I find the presence of family distracting, even when they’re not distracting. I know they’re there, and I need them to be somewhere else. At night, when everyone’s asleep, it just works better for me.
    Alas, my job performance takes a hit, and I wake up feeling ill.


  20. colorfulpen says:

    Late at night or early in the morning when everyone else is asleep is the best time for me to write. I carry a small notebook in my purse for times when inspiration strikes and I’m away from home. I also wanted to say I find you and your blog very inspiring!


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